How are we to perceive
the difference between 





How does 1 imagine or visualize their dreams?

  • In a dream, space and time are distorted

  • Both men & women dream differently from life experiences to mix emotions, even the blind dream

  • We dream about 3-7 dreams a night, 1-2 hours each night

  • Dreams

- A series of thoughts,


or feelings that happen during sleep.

  • Reality

- Reality is what we take to be true.

What we take to be true is what we believe.

What we believe is based upon our perceptions.

What we perceive depends upon what we look for.

What we look for depends upon what we think.

What we think depends upon what we perceive.

What we perceive determines what we believe.

What we believe determines what we take to be true.

What we take to be true is

our reality.

People only want to see what they want to see

You ever have that feeling

where you’re not sure if you’re






* In the house of the subconscious mind

  • If 10% of the mind is conscious, the remaining 90% is the subconscious mind.

  • “hollow_Reality” How does our subconscious mind perceive dreams?



Question yourself this :


  •  How often can you recall your dreams?

  •  Do you dream in colors or in Black & White?

  • Do you remember your dreams at the start, middle, or at the end?

  • Ever tried going back dreaming after waking up?

  • When you dream every night in your sleep, do you see yourself dreaming or are you in the dream?

  • Can you really tell the differences between reality & dreaming?

In 42,



4662 days,

read this to yourself again and maybe just maybe,

you'll see yourself feeling different about your reality.

Only if...

You stay dreaming with me,

life is already lifeless without dreams




_!_ QUESTION _!_



